

We now ship to overseas customers by FedEx or dedicated lines. Items are shipped at the same rate. You can check the shipping rates when you place your order online. Thanks a lot.


We not only provide you with top quality imitation merchandise, cheap prevention merchandise wholesale.


Shipping Agents

We often use the services of FedEx or dedicated lines to ship your items directly to your doorstep. Upon shipment, you will receive an email with an order confirmation number and a shipment tracking number. Using this tracking number, you can track the progress on our website at any time. You will also receive this information from us in an email after shipment, or if you do not receive an email from us, you can contact us online and we will get back to you.


PackagingOur replica items are carefully packed by our shipping department to ensure that the handbags will not be damaged in any way. As you know, designing and manufacturing perfect replica merchandise is another matter, but delivering them in the same condition is also important. This is why our staff must carefully pack the handbags before the shipping agent picks them. You can rest assured that all of our designer replica items will reach you in the same condition as they were manufactured. So, no matter what you order; we will ship your replica merchandise everywhere and the merchandise will always be in good condition!


Delivery Time

It will take approximately 6-12 business days to ship your order to your doorstep. Usually, once we confirm your payment, we will ship your order within 24 hours. Please keep in mind that due to shipment turnaround, it may take up to 3 days for the online tracking module to display the tracking number, and the online tracking will be updated faster than actual.


Delivery Information

When placing an order, it is vital to ensure that you enter the correct delivery address, contact number and email address. If you provide an incorrect shipping address, our company cannot reship your order.


You can check the logistics information at (you can check the logistics information of EMS or DHL).


You can also check here (the following is the address for EMS shipping information).


Note: All packages must be signed for. If no one is home to receive your package, it will be held at your local post office until you are able to sign for it. You will receive your package in about 7~10 days. We ship worldwide and guarantee every product we sell.


If you are not sure about anything, please feel free to send an online message and our customer representative will give you a detailed reply.